Death Is Not Dying

In a previous post, I spoke of having an eternal perspective in all of life.  God has really been challenging me in this area lately.  I fight my selfishness on a daily basis, and I know you do to.  We are all desperately sinful at the very core of our beings.  Many of you probably brushed over that blog post because you are young and nothing can touch you right ?  Or maybe you are just too comfortable in the Christian bubble you find yourself in. Or, sadly so, maybe you could give a rip about Jesus because “religion” is not for you.  Pardon my sarcasm and bluntness but I urge you to watch this video of a woman, who while I write and while you read, is dying at the young age of 37 and will leave her husband and children behind.  I challenge you to re-think how you are living your life.  Friends, we must be living our lives with the full knowledge that we are dying.  None of us is guaranteed tomorrow and if you really believe that truth,  you cannot help but to be changed because of it.  Our conversations would be less jibber-jabber, our relationships less superficial,   our days filled with more simplicity and purpose, and yes, even our blogs filled with more meaningful words of the mighty God we serve and the journey we are walking with Him.  We need to take our eyes off of ourselves and onto a gracious, loving God who is ever so patient.  I really believe this is an urgent matter as I uncomfortably sit here in my pride and sinfulness.  I am so thankful for my Lord – the hound of heaven who chases after me and pursues me like no other.  My heart is humbled once again as I’ve been re-gaining perspective on life after watching Rachel speak from the sobering reality that she finds herself in.  Watch it.  You will never be the same.